点击这里 进入NAEA加入页面,阅读您可用的会员选项. Choose the membership that best fits you, and follow the prompts to purchase.
Practicing Enrolled Agents should join as a Regular Member.
For newly licensed EAs in their first year of licensure, 选择新代理商可获得100美元的会员折扣.
对于那些有兴趣成为EA或那些在该领域工作但没有持有EA许可证的人, 选择准会员.
Students enrolled in an accredited college or university or professors teaching at an accredited college or university can take advantage of our Academic 联系 membership option.
还有问题吗?? 联系NAEA(202)822-6232或电子邮件至 membership@147c.com
登录147c.com and click “Welcome, {你的名字},” and choose Account from the dropdown menu. 从您的帐户页面, 点击订阅, and then click “更新” which is located on the right side of your screen. 从那里,按照提示进入支付屏幕. 一旦你提交你的付款细节, you will receive a confirmation 电子邮件 with your receipt from info@147c.com.
Call the NAEA 会员 Team at (202) 822-6232, option 1.
Send your check to our secure Lockbox at the following address. Be sure to include your 电子邮件 and phone number on your check in case we need to contact you regarding your account:
1801 W. 奥运大街.
帕萨迪纳,加州919199 -3025
Your renewal date can be found by logging in to the NAEA website, 点击“欢迎”, {你的名字},,然后从下拉菜单中选择“帐户”. 从您的帐户页面, 点击订阅 to find your renewal date.
We do not prorate membership; full fees are due upfront and membership is valid for one year from application.
是的. 与NAEA会员团队联系 membership@147c.com 如欲索取此表格. 请求必须得到NAEA执行副总裁和NAEA总裁的批准. This is only for NAEA dues and does not apply to state dues.
NAEA no longer uses member numbers for identification purposes. The 电子邮件 associated with your NAEA membership is your User ID.
此时,正式会员 must join the state’s affiliate association, should one exist in their state. 具有州附属机构成员资格要求的成员可以选择加入不同的州附属机构. 联系 会员有 option to join a state affiliate but are not required to do so.
The recent bylaws changes will go into effect on September 1, 2024年,并将取消在那之后更新或加入会员的双重会员要求.
截至12月15日, 2024, 在会员投票修改NAEA章程之后, members are no longer required to maintain an annual 30-hour CE requirement.
截至12月15日, 2024, 在会员投票修改NAEA章程之后, members are no longer required to maintain an annual 30-hour CE requirement.
NAEA折扣已列出 在这里.
有关获得折扣的说明, 登入网站, 转到主折扣页面, 然后滚动到页面底部. 点击“查看折扣”按钮.”
Wolters Kluwer has provided NAEA members a dedicated link by which they may sign up for a free TaxAware account. This link allows NAEA members to access their free WK account. http://147c.com/publications-research/tax-aware-center/
在WK网站上创建一个帐户, 点击Wolters Kluwer TaxAware登录网页上的链接,选择创建用户ID. If the option to create a user ID does not appear, contact via 电子邮件 membership@147c.com. If you already have a paid subscription with Wolters Kluwer and the site is not recognizing your free status, 通过电子邮件联系NAEA成员团队 membership@147c.com.
To access your existing free account: use the dedicated link to access the Wolters Kluwer TaxAware log in page and enter the username and password you created when you set up your free account.
会员必须注册(创建一个帐户) 今日税务讲座网站,并使用网站上的优惠码 今日税务讲座会员福利页面. All issues accessing content should be directed to 今日税务讲座 工作人员 at accounts@taxtalktoday.com.
会员必须注册(创建一个帐户) 今日税务讲座网站,并使用网站上的优惠码 今日税务讲座会员福利页面.
去 今日税务讲座 member benefit page and select the NAEA CPE Purchase Link option.
NAEA为会员提供NAEA标志和营销工具,以促进他们的业务. 点击这里 查阅客户约定书、客户问卷、费用协议等! 找不到你要找的东西? 电邮会员:membership@naea.Org并提交请求.
作为NAEA会员, you can add a one-year subscription to TheTaxBook WebLibrary to you NAEA 会员 subscription by following the prompts while renewing your membership. 年费为229美元,折扣后零售价为325美元.
The journal comes out quarterly as of the Summer 2023 issue. If you don’t receive your journal, please contact NAEA via 电子邮件 at membership@147c.com and the membership team will verify your address and mail you a new copy.
会员团队很乐意提供帮助! 请随时通过membership@naea与我们联系.org. We’ll be happy to send you a new copy and update your address.
EA期刊的PDF文件可在 EA期刊网站,在“问题”选项卡下. You must log-in to your NAEA account to view the issues.
去 nephelometer.147c.com,单击“登录”,输入用户名和密码. 一旦你登录了, 点击屏幕右上角的你的名字,从下拉菜单中选择账号.
从 nephelometer.147c.com 登录页面,选择“忘记密码”? Enter the 电子邮件 address associated with your account in the Username field and press the Send Password Reset Email button. 一旦你收到邮件, 单击邮件中的链接,您将能够为您的NAEA帐户创建新密码.
登录 nephelometer.147c.com,单击屏幕右上角的姓名,从下拉菜单中选择“帐户”. 向下滚动并选择我的信息. 单击右上角蓝色的Change链接. You will then be able to update and save your information.
The Find a Tax Expert Directory no longer requires a separate login. 点击这里 to view instructions on how to update your profile, 以及提示和技巧,以优化您的上市.
是的! 会员价格优惠. 在购买教育产品时,总会显示会员和非会员价格. Note: 当购买杂志测验或在线网络研讨会, the default non-member price will display until you click “Add to Order.” The member price displays once you proceed to checkout.
当购买杂志测验或在线网络研讨会, the default non-member price will display until you click “Add to Order.” The member price displays once you proceed to checkout. 如果您已经添加到您的购物车和非会员价格仍然出现,电子邮件 education@147c.com.
To obtain CE Certificates, please contact NAEA education team via Email at education@147c.com 在2019年之前拿到证书.
登录NAEA网站(www.NAEA.Org),然后转到您的会员帐户. 从菜单中选择继续教育, and select the sign-in button on the upper right corner again, which will automatically log you in to the NAEA Continuing 教育 portal. 点击右上角的你的名字,向下滚动,直到你看到你的会员活动. 选择certificates选项卡以查看证书. 详细的说明可以找到 在这里.
First make sure you completed all items in the course to receive the certificate such as viewing the presentation, 进行调查和评估. 一旦项目已经完成,证书应该能够访问和打印. 遵循 这些指令 关于如何检查您是否完成了所有项目. If all items have been completed and you still don’t have your certificate, 通过电子邮件联系NAEA教育团队 education@147c.com.
NAEA reports Continuing 教育 (CE) to the IRS on a monthly basis. 如果您在您的IRS PTIN帐户中没有看到上个月的CE小时数, 通过电子邮件与NAEA教育团队联系 education@147c.com.
NAEA education has a relationship with the following Continuing 教育 certifying agencies: California Tax 教育 Council (CTEC) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board CE/CPE. 详细信息可以在教育网页或NAEA证书上找到. 如果你有问题, regarding the CE Hours and the certifying agency requirements, 通过电子邮件联系NAEA教育团队 education@147c.com.
主题:如何购买和访问 NAEA 教育及活动
遵循这些 方便的指令 to purchase content on the NAEA 持续进修入门网站.
To request refunds, 通过电子邮件联系NAEA教育团队 education@147c.com. NAEA教育团队成员将审核退款申请并提交申请以获得批准. 一旦退款申请被批准, the refund will be refunded on the same method of purchase, 或者在原始购买信用卡上刷卡, or if paid by check a refund check will be sent to you.
要查看您的课程进度,您必须登录NAEA继续教育门户网站. 遵循 这些指令 on how to log in to the NAEA website and how to check your progress status for a course.
The National Tax Practice Institute™ (NTPI®) is a three-level program developed to sharpen the skills of enrolled practitioners at all stages of their careers. 每个级别的课程, the core curriculum enables participants to expand their knowledge and skills, and gain the confidence needed to successfully guide their clients through the often-challenging maze of IRS codes, 内部规章制度, 以及机构结构. 请注意,这个项目只对注册代理人、注册会计师和税务律师开放. Those who complete Levels 1, 2, and 3 earn the distinction of NTPI®同胞, a designation held by the nation’s top tax practitioners.
A participant must complete all three NTPI Levels as well as a professional portfolio within a five-year period beginning with NTPI Level 1 courses in order to earn the NTPI Fellow designation. 一旦完成所有三个级别的课程,参与者将获得NTPI三级证书. A graduate and can add the certificate designation of NTPI Fellow on all media. Learn more about the NTPI program and its requirements on the NTPI网站 在NTPI标签下.
If you took any of the NTPI course levels prior to 2016, you would have to take the new NTPI content that is offered in 2021. Find out the requirements of the classes that you will need to take and the new additional requirements for NTPI Level 3 beginning in 2022 on the NTPI路线图.
我们随时为您服务. 联系NAEA政府关系 工作人员 电话:(202)822-6232或 宣传@NAEA.org.
Regulation of Unenrolled Tax Return Preparers – NAEA is working with IRS/Treasury to develop a strong but fair framework for ensuring unenrolled tax return preparers will be competent and subject to ethical standards that apply currently to only Circular 230 tax practitioners (enrolled agents, 注册会计师, 和律师).
政治行动委员会 (pac)是由公司设立和管理的政治委员会, 工会, 会员组织或行业协会. A PAC is created by the trade or professional association (501c6) to raise money to support candidates in Congress (House or Senate) to support issues of concern for the association. 政治行动委员会可以向他们支持的候选人捐款.
NAEA PAC is a multi-candidate PAC formed in 2006 to help enrolled agents support federal candidates who stand behind effective 税务管理 policies favorable to the enrolled agent profession. NAEA PAC是一个重要的宣传工具,也是唯一一个需要持续的工具, 广泛的会员支持. 多候选人政治行动委员会:
NAEA PAC是无党派的,致力于支持两党议员. By supporting the NAEA PAC members support NAEA’s leadership and plan an active role with them in the political process.
Voluntary individual member contributions to the NAEA PAC are welcome at any time and can be made online with a personal credit card at the NAEA PAC website or by personal check. NAEA PAC不接受现金捐款.
The PAC is administered by NAEA 工作人员; the PAC Board provides oversight on NAEA PAC operations. The board is comprised of five to seven members who serve two-year terms. PAC board member positions are filled as individual two-year terms expire by nomination and majority vote of the PAC Board.
NAEA PAC是ea v国会发言权. Members can help with PAC issues most significantly by joining the NAEA PAC and participating in NAEA’s congressional advocacy fly-in. During the fly-in, putting a face on EA issues is essential. 东亚领导人将会见他们的国会代表, 分享影响ea的关注和问题, and get to know their representatives and key 工作人员 members.
不,政治行动委员会的捐款没有. NAEA PAC makes contributions to members of Congress who sit on the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee. 这两个重要的国会委员会 对我国的税收政策拥有管辖权, 税法, 税务管理, 以及对国税局的监督, NAEA倡导活动的领域.
The legislative issues of greatest concern to enrolled agents are generally those of tax policy and 税务管理. NAEA PAC的捐款仅限于两个国会税务编写委员会的现任成员, 重点是这些委员会的领导.
如果您在使用我们的网站时遇到技术困难或认为可能存在不准确的信息, 请发邮件到 support@147c.com.